The Gist: After being mauled by a bear and left for dead, Hugh Glass (Di Caprio) embarks on a 200 mile quest for revenge. The Review: Well this ...
On January 19, 2016 / By Mario CostasThe Gist: Thirty two years after Darth Vader’s funeral pyre was lit, we get to find out what follows ‘Happily Ever After’ as we return to a galaxy, ...
On December 29, 2015 / By Joe MorganThe Gist: Unbroken tells the true story of Louis Zamperini (Jack O’Connell) a young American who turned away from his troubled teenage years to become an Olympic athlete. ...
On January 13, 2015 / By Dave GriffithsUniversal Pictures have just released the trailer for Unbroken the film which sees Oscar winning actress Angelina Jolie turn to directing for the first time. Based on a novel ...
On July 12, 2014 / By Dave Griffiths© 2016 Last Exit to Hollywood Media Limited. All rightsreserved. “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”