Finally, vampires are scary again!

Twilight wouldn’t have been so successful if Edward looked like this!
Some of you might be fed up of vampires. Others might have been turned off for ever due to a series of recent movies which shall not be named. But fear not for Guillermo del Toro is here to spark our interests (or scare the crap out of us most likely) with his interpretation of vampires with his new series called The Strain based on his book co-written by Chuck Hogan.
Taking place in New York, a virus spreads turning the infected into vampire like creatures and it’s up to Dr. Ephraim Goodweather (Cory Stoll) an Epidemiologist along with Professor Abraham Setrakian (David Bradley) a holocaust survivor and a few others to join forces and combat this ancient threat to humanity.
What I’m excited about having read the book are the vampires. Those that know of del Toro’s previous works especially Cronos and Blade 2, is that he loves altering and playing around with vampire physiology. Del Toro and Hogan’s vampires are closer to human leeches, with their stinger like tongues and pasty white skin closely resembling The Reapers from Blade 2. There’s a whole lot more I could add but why ruin it? I say either go read the book or catch the series when it airs on FX in July 2014.
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